Haunted_HouseWe have a winner!  Actually, we have two winners in my Most Haunted House Contest!  Congratulations to Claudia Freeman and Lee Wright — both of you have houses that are most definitely haunted!

A big thank you to everyone who entered, and my apologies to those whose houses weren’t quite haunted enough, but a contest is a contest and somebody’s got to win.  Narrowing the field down to two finalists was pretty easy, but choosing between them was impossible.  One house, to my psychic eye, is full of noxious smoke and has a man-ghost who is up to no good, and the other house has been slimed by a cackling old-lady ghost who is committed to driving the “new” owner out.  I agonized for two days over which was worse, and at midnight last night declared it a tie.

I will complete the winning ghost bustings within the next few weeks, and will write about it here — stay tuned!


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